Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Inklusion - Bildung - Schule


David Brehme

david brehme 510x294
MSc. Psychologie

Contact: david.brehme(a)


Beware Normalians! The construction of normalcy in inclusive secondary schools



Theoretically, inclusive education implies a transnormalistic shift in the construction of difference: it becomes normal that everyone is differently different. At the same time, inclusive schools find themselves faced with the societal task of attainment-based selection, increasing standardization through large scale assessments while aiming to individualise course content, learning goals and assessment.

In my PhD I investigate which role normalization and normalistic strategies play in regards to notions of ability in inclusive secondary schools. The project draws on literature in disability studies, sociology and inclusive education.


Brehme, D. (2017). Normalitätskonzepte im Behinderungsdiskurs: Eine qualitative Befragung inklusiv-beschulter Brandenburger Grundschulkinder. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. doi:10.1007(978-3-658-16823-0.

Brehme, D. (2017). Forum: 31. Internationale Jahrestagung der Inklusionsforscher/innen. Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete, 3, 255-259.

Contributions to Conferences

Lancaster Disability Studies Conference 2018, UK

Vortrag: „Smashing normalcy? On the (f)utility of normalcy for disabled people“

2018 Conference of the working group on inclusion research within the German Educational Research Association, Flensburg, Germany

Poster: „Beware normalians! Was heißt es „normal“ zu sein, wenn alle anders anders sind? Normalistische Strategien im Differenzdiskurs an inklusiven und nicht-inklusiven Sekundarschulen“

Poster: „Gelingensbedingungen für inklusive Sekundarschulen aus der Perspektive von Schüler*innen und deren Lehrkräften Projekt GipS-Sek 1“

14th conference of the Nordic Network on Disability Research, Örebro, Schweden

Vortrag: “Children’s & teachers’ views on inclusive schools in Germany”

Vortrag: “The Complex Relationship between Normalcy & Disability: A Qualitative Study with Pupils at German Inclusive Primary Schools”

Lancaster Disability Studies Conference 2016, UK

Vortrag: “Disability And Normality As Polar Opposites On A Single Continuum: A Qualitative Study With Pupils At German Inclusive Primary Schools”