Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Inklusion - Bildung - Schule


Robel 510x294



Decolonial Intersectionality: Postcolonial-informed Intersectional Analysis of Labour Market Participation of Disabled BIPoC


While increasing emphasis has been placed during the last decade to reinforce the social and labour market participation of people with disabilities globally, for instance due to the normative claim of Article 27 the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). However, there have been only a few progressive changes captured on participation of this population on the German mainstream labour market over the last ten years (for an overview see: Biermann 2015; Ritz 2015). Due to the existing intersectional inequalities, especially fundamentally vulnerable groups such as Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPoC) with disabilities have even more precarious access to the mainstream labour market (Pieper 2016; Denniger 2017; Pieper & Haji Mohammadi 2014).

As Ben-Moshe and Magaña (2014) emphasize, it is evident that disabled BIPoC are often marginalized and wholly or partially excluded from participation in economic, social, cultural and political processes not only in the Global South but also in the Global North. In German context, stigmatization and exclusion of certain groups has a long lineage: not surprisingly, disabled BIPoC fall squarely in this category. Due to ongoing racialized and disabling structures, disabled BIPoC have been physically and politically marginalized and subject to multiple forms of discrimination. Ableism and Racism have therefore been some of the everyday lived realities of much larger structural processes for this population (Afeworki Abay 2021). While the intersection of disability, migration and indigeneity can be considered as potential sources of social disadvantages; yet, it is important to highlight that there are no monolithic discriminations which can be added up in theoretical and empirical interrogations (among others: Gummich 2015; Amirpur 2016). Their social exclusion and intersectional forms of discrimination should therefore be understood as a progressive process of marginalization due to various forms of existing structural disparities that can be related to inequality in opportunity including, but certainly not limited to, inadequate access to quality education and the mainstream labour market that often leads to economic deprivation (Afeworki Abay 2020; Pieper 2016).

Objectives: As there is still a considerable lack of empirical evidence on the complex intersectional relationship between disability and migration, using Postcolonial Theories and Intersectionality as a critical framework (Decolonial Intersectionality: Mollett 2017; Kurtiş & Adams 2017; Warner, Kurtiş & Adya 2020), this PhD research project attempts to respond to this disjuncture and to provide a comprehensive account of the multiple dimensions of intersectional disparities that disabled BIPoC face in accessing the mainstream labour market. Moreover, this research project examines the ever-growing and complex structural discrimination that operated within institutionalized racism and ableism that legitimizes existing power structures within the dominant society leading to social exclusion of this population (Afeworki Abay 2021).

Method: As a grounded theory-based research design (Charmaz 2011; Strübing 2014; Breuer, Muckel, & Dieris 2018) is adopted in the PhD project, explorative qualitative interviews (Honer 2011) as well Photovoice and participant observation will be conducted within a participatory research setting with disabled BIPoC as research partners. This particular dimension of research method is chosen to enable in-depth dialogues and development of partnership, which is relevant in order to gain subjective perspectives of the research partners regarding not only existing barriers and difficulties in accessing the mainstream labour market in Germany, but also their personal, familial and social resources in overcoming these profoundly systemic-structural challenges. The research participants will be also engaged in the participatory data analysis and interpretation processes (von Unger 2014).

Supervision: The doctoral supervision of this PhD thesis is carried out by Prof. Dr. Gudrun Wansing, Professor of Sociology of Rehabilitation and Professional Rehabilitation, Humboldt University of Berlin (HU) and Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger, Professor of Sociology and Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (LMU).


Afeworki Abay, R. (2021, forthcoming). Racism and Ableism: Same, same but different? Intersectional Perspectives and Convivial Visions on Employment in Dominant Society. In: B. Konz, & A. Schröter (Eds.), Dis/Ability in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Betrachtungen an der Intersektion von Behinderung, Kultur und Religion in Bildungskontexten.Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Afeworki Abay, R., Kassaye, D., & Kleibl, T. (2021). Overcoming the Socio-economic Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Social Work Perspectives and Postcolonial Reflections from Ethiopia. In: T. Kleibl, M.d.M. Gonçalves, R. Gutwald, J. Twikirize, R. Lutz, & N. Noyoo (Hrsg.), The Coronavirus Crisis and Challenges to Social Development.Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 

Afeworki Abay, R., & Otten, M. (2021, forthcoming). Participatory Research on Intersectional Inequalities of Forced Migrants with Disabilities. In: G. Wansing, M. Schäfers, & S. Köbsell (eds.), Teilhabeforschung – Einführung in ein neues Forschungsfeld. Bd. 2 Methodologien, Methoden und Projekte der Teilhabeforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Afeworki Abay, R., Schülle, M., & Wechuli, Y. (2021, forthcoming). Decolonizing Disability: Postcolonial Reflection on the Notion of Disability in the German Forced Migration Research by Considering the Lived Experiences of Intersectionality. In: J. Schröder, M. Thielen, L. Narawitz, N.-M. Thönneßen, & M. Bach (Hrsg.), FluchtMigrationsForschung im Widerstreit – Über Ausschlüsse durch Integration. Münster/New York: Waxmann.

Korntheuer, A., Afeworki Abay, R., & Westphal, M. (2021). Participatory Research in the Context of Forced Migration and Disability. A Comparative Analysis of Research Ethics and Methodological Frameworks. In: J. Franz & U. Unterkofler (Hrsg.), Forschungsethik in der Sozialen Arbeit: Prinzipien und Erfahrungen. Theorie, Forschung und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit (S. 229-242). Berlin: Barbara Budrich.

Afeworki Abay, R. (in Preparation). "Our tears are not for sale!": Decolonizing the Hegemonic Order of the Debate on Racism in Germany. Interviews with Tupoka Ogette, Maisha-Maureen Auma, Aminata Touré, Judy Gummich and Emilia Roig. In: M. Ates, A. Barboza, C. Hubatschke, S. Mesquita, M. Rodríguez, & R. Sonderegger (Hrsg.), De-/Kolonisierung des Wissens. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Afeworki Abay, R. (accepted). Decolonize Forced Migration & Disability: Discursive Continuity of the Powerful Constructions of Vulnerability in the Dominant Society. In: Y. Akbaba, & A. M.B. Heinemann (Eds.), Erziehungswissenschaft dekolonisieren. Theoretische Grundlagen und transnationale Debatten. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Schmitt, C. (in Review). The Coloniality of Climate Crisis. Postcolonial Critique and Convivial Perspectives. In: T. Pfaff., B. Schramkowski, & R. Lutz (Eds.), Klimakrise und Soziale Arbeit. Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Wechuli, Y. (in Review). "We are here, because you were there": Postcolonial Perspectives on the Complex Intersectional Relationship between Colonialism, Forced Migration and Disability in the Context of Global Inequality. In: A. Delic, I. Kourtis, O. Kytidou, S. Sarkodie-Gyan, U. Wagner, & J. Zölch (Eds.), Globale Zusammenhänge, lokale Deutungen? Kritische Positionierungen zu wissenschaftlichen und medialen Diskursen im Kontext von Flucht und Asyl. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Afeworki Abay, R. (2020). Can the African Subaltern Speak? Kontinuität kolonialer Macht- und Herrschaftsstrukturen. In: Soziologiemagazin. Barbara Budrich.

Afeworki Abay, R. (2020). Disabled BIPoC: Intersectional Analysis of Ethnic Disparities in Contemporary Education and Labour Market in Germany. In: EPRIE Journal for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe. Online Verfügbar unter:

Afeworki Abay, R. (2020). The Colonial Continuity of Babysitting Africa. In: kulturTÜR. Magazin von und für Geflüchtete und ihre Nachbarn, 2. Retrievable online over:

Afeworki Abay, R., Schülle, M., Lätzsch, C., & Mehring, P. (2020). Exclusion inclusive? –Situations of Disabled Refugees in Germany. In: Hinterland Magazin, 44. Retrievable online over:

Afeworki Abay, R. & Engin, K. (2019). Participatory Research: Possibilities and Limitations. Reflecion on the MiBeH-Research Project. In: B. Behrensen & M. Westphal (eds.), Fluchtmigrationsforschung im Aufbruch. Methodologische und methodische Reflexionen (S. 379-396). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Afeworki Abay, R. (2016). "Giving Up is the Last Thing You Can Afford". In: H. Terborg, & I. Fafenrot (Eds.), Förderung und Beratung für Zugewanderte in Studium, Abitur und Spracherwerb (S. 35-41). Düsseldorf: Koordinierungsstelle Bildungsberatung Garantiefonds Hochschule.


Afeworki Abay, R. (11/2021). Ableism and Racism as Institutionalized Practices of Difference and Discrimination in the Dominant Society. Guest Lecture within the Event Series "Intersectional Diversity Week (InDiWo)". 23. November 2021, Technical University Darmstadt.

Afeworki Abay, R. (11/2021). "Our tears are not for sale!": Decolonizing the Hegemonic Order of the Debate on Racism in Germany. Interviews with Tupoka Ogette, Maisha-Maureen Auma, Aminata Touré, Judy Gummich and Emilia Roig. Contribution to the Conference "De-/Colonizing Knowledge". 19.- 20. November 2021, University of Vienna. 

Afeworki Abay, R., & Soldatic, K. (11/2021). Decolonial Intersectionality: Examining the Complex Interconnections between Colonialism, Indigeneity, Disability and Forced Migration. Contribution to the Symposium "Postcolonial Perspectives in Social Work Education, Research and Practice". 12.-13. November 2021, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS).

Afeworki Abay (10/2021). "The Danger of a Single Story": Ethical Reflections on the Discursive Constructions of Vulnerability of Disabled Refugees. Guest Lecture at the School of Social Sciences and Psychology, Institute for Culture and Society. 14. October 2021, Western Sydney University, Australia.

Afeworki Abay, R. (09/2021). Colonizing the Process of Decolonization? Critical Reflections on the Growing Danger of Decolonization becoming an Academic Buzzword. Panel Contribution to the Conference "Decoloniality, Social Policy and Social Work". 06.-09. September 2021, Inter-University Centre (IUC), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Afeworki Abay, R. (09/2021). Peer-Research in the Context of Disability and Forced Migration: Dilemma between Research Trend and Interests of Scientific Insights. Impulse Lecture within the Digital Workshop on Peer-Research of the BMBF Research Groups "SALUS-Ethics in Psychiatric Practice". 29.-30. September 2021, Ruhr University Bochum (RUB).

Afeworki Abay, R. (07/2021). Indigeneity, Disability & Migration: Intersectional Analysis of Social Inequality and Subaltern Resistance. Webinar: Intersectional Approaches to Disability and Race. 9th July 2021, Intersectional Disability & Neurodiversity Reading Groups, London, UK.

Afeworki Abay, R. (07/2021). Intersectionality and Employment: The Interplay of Racism and Ableism in Labour Market Participation. Guest Lecture within the Event Series "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)". 15. July 2021, International Rescue Committee (IRC) Germany.

Afeworki Abay, R. (07/2021). The Lived Experiences of Intersectionality among Disabled BIPoC: The Interplay of Racism and Ableism in Labour Market Participation. Contribution to the Conference "But Some are More Equal than Others" - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Growing Inequality and the Need for Solidarity. 15.-17. July 2021, Hans Böckler Foundation, Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Korntheuer, A. (07/2021). (Re)Constructing Vulnerability in Forced Migration Research: Reflections on Methodological Frameworks and Research Ethics. The International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Conference "Disrupting Theory, Unsettling Practice: Towards Transformative Forced Migration Scholarship and Policy". 26.-30. July 2021, University of Ghana, Accra.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Yim, D. (07/2021). ,,Boys Don’t Cry“: Heteronormativity-Critical and Queer-Feminist Perspectives on Social Constructions of Masculinity and Binary Gender. Guest Lecture within the Event Series of Gender & Queer Studies at the Center for Gender & Diversity (ZED). 07th July 2021, University of Hamburg.

Afeworki Abay, R. (06/2021). Climate Necropolitics: The Coloniality of Climate Crisis, Global Inequality and Forced Migration. Guest Lecture within the Event Series "Social-Ecological Transformation". 23. June 2021, Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg.

Afeworki Abay, R. (06/2021). Postmigrant Perspectives on Diversity. In Conversation with Prof. Dr. Maisha-Maureen Auma and Seyran Bostanci. Within the Public Seminar Series "YALLAH DIVERSITY! BerlinsSuperDiverCity plural, postmigrant, domination-critical and gender-theoretical perspectives perspektiviert". Audre Lorde Chair for Intersectional Diversity Studies and Gender Equality Network (DiGENet). 24. June 2021, Berlin University Alliance, TU Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R. (06/2021). The Necropolitics of COVID-19 in Africa: Colonial Continuities, Global Inequality, Necropower and Pandemic Politics. Guest Lecture within the Event Series "International Social Work Days 2021-Finding New Pathways: Strengthening Global Solidary & Connectedness". 3.-5. June 2021, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.

Afeworki Abay, R., Daňková, P., & Klages, A.-L. (06/2021). Beyond the Single Story of "Migration Management": Creating Space for "Epistemic Disobedience" in Engaging with Migration in Social Work. Contribution to the 21st International Conference of Migration "Border Thinking". 17. -18. June 2021, Alpen-Adria-University of Klagenfurt, Austria.

Afeworki Abay, Klages, A.-L., Neureither, F. & Daňková, P. (06/2021). Ethical considerations for Social Work Education and Research in Africa: COVID-19, White Privilege, Structural Inequalities and its Implications for European Social Work. Contribution to the European Conference on Social Work Education "Innovation and Resilience: Preparedness of Social Work Education in Uncertain Times". 15.–18. June 2021, Tallinn University, Estonia.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Korntheuer, A. (06/2021). Participatory Research in the Context of Forced Migration and Disability. A Comparative Analysis of Research Ethics and Methodological Frameworks. Second Trinational Workshop "Participatory Research in Social Work". 02.–03. June 2021, MSH Hamburg in Cooperation with the University of Hamburg.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Wechuli, Y. (06/2021). "We are here, because you were there": Ethical Reflections on the Colonial Present and Decolonial Future of the German Forced Migration and Refugee Studies. Panel Contribution to the Conference "Global Connections, Local Interpretations? Critical Perspectives on Scientific and Media Discourses in the Context of Refuge and Asylum". 10.-12. June 2021, University of Salzburg, Austria.

Afeworki Abay, R. (04/2021). "Our tears are not for sale!": Challenging the Monolithic Perceptions of Migrant Resistance and Creating Space for Intersectionality. Panel Contribution on the Digital Congress "Antifaschismus 2021: Komplexe Erinnerung – Komplexe Strategien". ". Within the Event Series "Kein ,Einzelfall'. Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland". 16.-17. April 2021, Hamburg.

Afeworki Abay, R. (04/2021). "Same, same but different?": Racism and Ableism as Discursive and Institutionalized Practices of Difference and Discrimination. Guest Lecture within the Event Series "Gender & Queer Studies". 8. April 2021, Center for Gender & Diversity (ZED), University of Hamburg.

Afeworki Abay, R. (03/2021). Intersectionality in Participatory Research in the Context of Disability and Forced Migration. Workshop and Conversation "Participatory Research as an Intervention? Intersectional and Domination-Critical Perspectives". 5. Berliner Werkstatt Partizipative Forschung. Organized by Netzwerk Partizipative Gesundheitsforschung (PartNet). 11th-12th March 2021, Catholic University of Applied Social Sciences Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R. (02/2021). Acknowledging Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Postcolonial Reflections on Contemporary Empowerment Approaches. Seminar Lecture with Juri Kilian within the Transnational Event Series "Social Sustainability and Global Transformations". 18. February 2021, University of Kassel.

Afeworki Abay, R. (02/2021). Decolonizing the Eurocentric Notions of Disability: Reclaiming African Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Guest Lecture within Workshop Series "Disability and African Indigenous Thought". 16. February 2021, the Disability and Inclusion Africa Network, Lancaster University, UK.

Afeworki Abay, R. (02/2021). Decolonization Matters! Overcoming Epistemic Violence at Higher Education in Germany and Creating Space for "Epistemic Disobedience". Guest lecture within the Online Event Series "Black History Month". Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland (ISD Kassel). 27. February 2021, University of Kassel.

Afeworki Abay, R. (01/2021). The Speaking Subaltern? Participatory Research with Disabled BIPoC. Seminar lecture with Prof. Dr. Swantje Köbsell, Disability Studies. 14th January 2021, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin

Afeworki Abay, R. (11/2020). "Old Wine in New Bottles”: Postcolonial Perspectives on Contemporary Debates on Structural Racism in Germany. Guest Lecture within the Event Series "Sociology of Everyday Life". 05. November 2020, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.

Afeworki Abay, R. (07/2020). "There is No Such Thing as Racism in Germany": The Banality of Systemic and Structural Racism. Guest Lecture, Social Problems with Prof. Dr. Ronald Lutz. 23. July 2020, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.

Afeworki Abay, R. (07/2020). Postcolonial Perspectives on Migration: Examining the Complexities of Contemporary Western Migration Regimes. Guest Lecture within the Summer School Program "Social Work with Refugees and Migrants in Areas of Origin, Transit and Destination". 20. July 2020, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS) in Cooperation with Hellenic Republic National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the University of the Aegean.

Afeworki Abay, R. (07/2020). Potentials and Difficulties in Participatory Research on the Intersection of Disability and Migration. Seminar lecture with Dr. Christian Brüggemann, Promoting Social Inclusion: Education, Employment, Leisure Activities. 06. July 2020, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R. (06/2020). Participatory Research with Disabled Refugees: Dilemma between Research Trend and Interests of Scientific Insights. Seminar lecture with Prof. Dr. Swantje Köbsell, Disability, Forced Migration and Human Rights. 30. June 2020, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., Korntheuer, A. & Westphal, M. (05/2020). Participatory Research in the Context of Forced Migration and Disability. A Comparative Analysis of Research Ethics and Methodological Frameworks. Second Trinational Workshop « Participatory Research in Social Work». 06th – 08th May 2020, MSH Hamburg in Cooperation with University of Hamburg.

Afeworki Abay, R. (02/2020). Restricted Access to Employment: A Postcolonial Intersectional Analysis of the Labour Market Participation of BIPoC with Disabilities. Project Meeting (VeBB- Research Project on the Compatibility of Disability and Carrier). 05. February 2020, by Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverband Hessen, Offenbach.

Afeworki Abay, R. (12/2019). Participatory Research in the Context of Disability and Migration: Possibilities and Limitations. Seminar lecture with Prof. Dr. Annette Korntheuer, Participatory Research in the Field of Inclusion. 17. December 2019, University of Kassel.

Afeworki Abay, R. (05/2019). Disability and Migration: An intersectional Analysis of Social Inequality and Discrimination. The 22nd International Summer School in Social Work & Social Sciences "Social Work from a Global Perspective". 28. May 2019, University of Lapland, Finland.

Afeworki Abay, R. (07/2018). "We are here to stay”: Postcolonial Reflections the Persistent Social and Political Struggles of Refugees in Germany. Guest Lecture within the Event Series "Dealing with Heterogeneity". 06. July 2018, University of Bremen.

Afeworki Abay, R. & Engin, K. (04/2018). Migration and Disability in Hessen (MiBeH). Presentation of the MiBeH-Research Project. Annual Conference of The German Association of Social Work (DGSA). 28. April 2018, University of Hamburg.

Afeworki Abay, R. (06/2017). Challenges of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in German Educational and Pedagogical Systems. 20th Anniversary for the International Summer School in Social Work & Social Sciences "Social Work from a Global Perspective". 24. May - 7. June 2017, University of Lapland, Finland.

Afeworki Abay, R. (04/2016). Silenced Voices of Disabled Migrants in UK and Germany. Contribution to the interdisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities Conference "Breaking Boundaries". 20. April 2016, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.

Contributions to Conferences and Workshops

Afeworki Abay, R. (11/2021). Anti-Bias Training in Higher Education. Organizer of the Workshop on Implicit Bias for Equality and Diversity Officers of the JGU. 24.-25. November 2021, Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz.

Afeworki Abay, R., Neureither, F., Kleibl, T., Lutz, R., Klages, A.-L., & Daňková, P. (11/2021). Postcolonial Perspectives in Social Work Education and Practice. Co-Organizer of the Annual Conference of the DGSA- Section for International Social Work. 12th November 2021 at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS).

Afeworki Abay, R. (Seminar in WS 2021/22). Intersectional Disparities and Discriminations due to Racialized and Ableist Constructions in Educational Context. Study Programme on Educational Sciences, Institute on General Education, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.

Afeworki Abay, R. (Seminar in WS 2021/22). Visible Minorities & Invisible Disabilities: Intersectional Perspectives on Embodied Perceptions of Difference in the Dominant Society. Module: Diversity Studies: Racism and Migration. Bachelor’s Program on Social Work. Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (ASH).

Afeworki Abay, R., Daňková, P., Jagusch, B., Neuhoff, K., Spindler, S., & Tunç, M. (09/2021). Building Anti-racist Universities. Co-Organizer of the Workshop-Discussion within the DGSA-Working Group "Flight, Migration, Racism and Anti-Semitism Criticism". 20. September 2021, Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences (HSD).

Afeworki Abay, R., & Lohani, O. (09/2021). Anti-Racism & Critical Intersectionalities. Co-Organizer of the Workshop on Intersectionality of Racism, Ableism and Sexism in Academia. 13. September 2021, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. 

Afeworki Abay, R., & Korntheuer, A. (07/2021). The methodological construction of "vulnerable" and "hard-to-reach" research participants. A comparative analysis of research ethics and methodological frameworks in participatory research in the fields of forced migration and disability studies. Panel Contribution to the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Conference "Disrupting Theory, Unsettling Practice: Towards Transformative Forced Migration Scholarship and Policy". 26.-30. July 2021, University of Ghana, Accra.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Schwärzer-Dutta, C. (07/2021). Intersectionality of Ableism and Racism. Co-Organizer of the Workshop on Intersectionality in Disability and Diversity Mainstreaming. 23. July 2021, Zentrum für soziale Inklusion, Migration und Teilhabe- ZSIMT Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., Westerholt, N., Holtgreve, S., Mends, L., & Mohammed, O. (06/2021). Critical Approaches to Racism and Colonialism in Social Work Education: A Response to Sceneries of Exception? Panel Contribution to the European Conference on Social Work Education "Innovation and Resilience: Preparedness of Social Work Education in Uncertain Times". 15.-18. June 2021, Tallinn University, Estonia.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Gerhards, L. (04/2021). Contours of Ableism: Challenging the Notions and Reproduction Mechanisms of Normativity and Social Capital. Co-Organizer of the Online-Workshop-Discussion with Prof. Dr. Fiona Kumari Campbell. 29. April 2021, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Schwärzer-Dutta, C. (04/2021). Anti-Bias Training in Higher Education. Co-Organizer of the Workshop on Implicit Bias for Newly Assigned Professors of the Technical University of Berlin (TU). 23. April 2021, Zentrum für soziale Inklusion, Migration und Teilhabe- ZSIMT Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Schwärzer-Dutta, C. (04/2021). Racism and Disability. Co-Organizer of the Introductory Workshop on Intersectionality and Diversity. Organized by Zukunft Bauen e. V. und Casablanca gGmbH. 23rd April 2021, Zentrum für soziale Inklusion, Migration und Teilhabe- ZSIMT Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R. (Seminar in SS 2021). Diversity in Social Work Education, Research and Practice. Module: Social Work and Diversity in Contexts of Administration and Management. Master’s Program: International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS).

Afeworki Abay, R. (Seminar in SS 2021). Intersectionality and Diversity: Domination-Critical Concepts for Analyzing Social Inequalities. Gender & Queer Studies for the Certificate Courses at the Center for Gender & Diversity (ZED), University of Hamburg.

Afeworki Abay, R. (03/2021). Reflexive Grounded Theory in Researching Participation and Inclusion. Organizer of the Online-Workshop-Discussion with Prof. Dr. Inga Truschkat. 11th March 2021, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., Brüggemann, C., Moldenhauer, A., Moser, V., & Peukert, L. (03/2021). Inclusion and Participation: Comparative and International Perspective. Member of the Organizing Committee of the Annual Conference of the Research Training Group: Inclusion – Education – Schools: Analyzing Processes of Social Participation. 25. - 26. March 2021, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., Zölls-Kaser, P., & Jochmaring, J. (03/2021). Research on Transition and Participation in the Labour Market. Inclusion and Participation: Comparative and International Perspectives. The Annual Conference of the Research Training Group: Inclusion – Education – Schools: Analyzing Processes of Social Participation. Inclusion and Participation: Comparative and International Perspective. 24th-26th March 2021, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Saleh, H. (02/2021). From the Community to the Community: Decolonizing Eurocentric Concepts of Empowerment. Co-Organizer of the Workshop within the event series "Empowerment from the Bottom Up". 08. February 2021, SOAS University of London.

Afeworki Abay, R., Denk, A., Suh, H., & Kato, J. (11/2020-03/2021). Global Ideas Against Racism. Co-Organizer of the Future Workshop Series on Racism in Germany, France, South Korea and Japan. Together with Albert Denk (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Hanna Suh (Seoul National University), und Jotaro Kato (Waseda University Tokyo). EPRIE (Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe), Nov 2020-Mar 2021, Berlin, Paris, Seoul and Tokyo.

Afeworki Abay, R. (Seminar in WS 2020/21). Ableism and Racism: A Postcolonial Intersectional Analysis of the Social Order of Difference and Belonging in the Migrant Society. Module: Diversity Studies: Racism and Migration. Bachelor’s Program on Social Work, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (ASH).

Afeworki Abay, R. (Seminar in WS 2020/21). Intersectionality as a Framework for Analyzing Difference and Inequalities in the Context of Migration and Special Educational Needs (SEN). Study Programme on Educational Sciences, Institute on General Education, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.

Afeworki Abay, R. (Seminar in WS 2020/21). Postcolonial and Intersectional Perspectives on Structural Disparities and Inequality in the Migrant Society. Module: Anti-discriminatory and anti-racist Social Work. Bachelor’s Program on Social Work, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS).

Afeworki Abay, R. & Aden, S. (12/2020). Participatory Research in the Context of Forced Migration: Postcolonial Reflections on Research Ethics and Methodological Frameworks. Workshop within the DAAD-Project "Organizational Development and Social Work with Refugees". 15. December 2020, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal in Cooperation with German-Jordanian University Amman (GJU) and Al-Balqa' Applied University (BAU).

Afeworki Abay, R. & Schwärzer-Dutta, C. (12/2020). Addressing Intersectionality of Racism and Ableism through Political Education. Co-Organizer of the Advanced Workshop on Diversity and Disability Mainstreaming with the Socialist Youth - The Falcons, Regional Association Berlin. 4th-5th December 2020, Zentrum für soziale Inklusion, Migration und Teilhabe- ZSIMT Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R. (09/2020). Everyday Racism in Germany: The Relevance of Anti-racist and Postcolonial Perspectives. Workshop within the Berlin's Democracy Day, 16. September 2020, kulturTÜR, DRK Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Hettwer, L. (07/2020). Potentials and Challenges of Participatory Research in the Context of Migration. Co-Organizer of the Online-Workshop-Discussion with Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger. 3rd July 2020, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Afeworki Abay, R. (Seminar in SS 2020). Disability, Migration and Indigeneity: An Intersectional Analysis of Social Inequality of Disabled BIPoC. Module: Migration, Social Inequality and Social Developments. Master’s Program: International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS).

Afeworki Abay, R. (01/2020). Restricted Access to Employment: A Postcolonial Intersectional Analysis of the Labour Market Participation of BIPoC with Disabilities. Workshop: Presentation of the Empirical Results of the MiBeH-Research Project. 24. January 2020, University of Kassel.

Afeworki Abay, R. (07/2019). Cultural Humility and Power Relations in Social Work. Organizer of the Workshop within EPRIE (Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe), July 2019, Seoul and Paju, South Korea.

Afeworki Abay, R., & Kilian, J. (05/2019). Social Work and Diversity. Co-Organizer of the Workshop within the 22nd International Summer School in Social Work & Social Sciences "Social Work from a Global Perspective". 28. May 2019, University of Lapland, Finland.