As lecturer
- "Bildende Bewegung. Die chilenische Schülerinnenbewegung als Katalysator von Bildungsprozessen (2000-2015)." Speech at the 26th DGfE-Kongress: "Bewegungen", March, 18.-21., 2018, University of Duisburg-Essen.
- "Zur Erfassung der kindlichen Persönlichkeit. Gutachten und Schülerauslese in Deutschland." Speech at the international workshops: Schülerauslese, schulische Beurteilung und Schülertests 1880-1940, Oktober, 5.-6.,2017, Research Library for the History of Educatuin at the DIPF, Berlin.
- "Eignungs- und differenzbezogene SchülerInnenkonstruktionen im Grundschulgutachten - Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert." Speech at the research colloquium of Prof. Dr. Margarete Götz (chairholder of Grundschulpädagogik und -didaktik) in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Sabine Reh, Prof. Dr. Marcelo Caruso, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wiegmann (HU and BBF Berlin, july, 8.-9., 2016, University Würzburg.
“From cultura general to aptitude. On the production of a Test-oriented meritocratic Paradigm in Chile (1966-2002)”, Speech at the Preconference Workshop “Merit | Achievement as a Paradigm – Discourse and Practices in a Historical Perspective” of the 38th "International Standing Conference for the History of Education" (ISCHE), 17. - 20. August 2016, Loyola University, Chicago.
“(Un)suitable bodies. Structures of Difference and Suitability of Pupils in the context of Primary School Reports in Germany (1919-1969)”, Speech at the 38th "International Standing Conference for the History of Education" (ISCHE), 17. - 20. August 2016, Loyola University, Chicago.
"Aptitude and Difference-Related Pupils' Constructions in Primary School Repots- Germany in the 20th Century", presented at the Research Colloquium of Prof. Dr. Margarete Götz (Chair for Primary Education and Didactics) in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Sabine Reh, Prof. Dr Marcelo Caruso, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wiegmann (HU and BBF Berlin), 8 - 9 July 2016, University of Würzburg.
"The Gymnasiasten-Stereotype. Aptitude and Difference Constructions in Teacher's Assessment Reports", held at the Research Colloquium for Comparative and International Educational Research by Prof. Dr. Florian Waldow, November 17, 2016, Humboldt University, Berlin.
- “De la importación a la exportación. El Instituto Pedagógico como lugar de formación de docentes secundarios de América Latina (1889-1936)” [From import to export. The Pedagogical Institute as the place of Secondary Teacher Training of Latin America], speech at the Workshop “La producción, traducción y apropiación transregional de saberes: actores, instituciones y discursos”, 10.-11. Oktober 2014, Iberoamerikanisches Institut, Berlin.
- "The elementary school report (Grundschulgutachten) as a selection tool in historical perspective(1919-1979)", speech presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of DGfE-Comission of Primary School Research and Pedagogy at the primary level, 29. September-1 October 2014, University of Leipzig.
- "La germinación de un campo pedagógico científico. El Instituto Pedagógico y la transferencia de modelos alemanes en Chile (1889-1929) [The Germination of a Pedagogical Field. The Instituto Pedagogico and the Transfer of German Models in Chile]", speech at the XVII AHILA Congress, "Between Spaces. The Latin American history in a global context", 9.-13. September, Freie Universität Berlin.
- "Guberna-Mentalidad. Chile y los tests (1966-2012). [Gouvern-Mentality. Chile and the Tests]", speech at the "1. Jornada Transdisciplinar de Estudios en Gubernamentalidad", 1.- 4. September 2014, Universidad de Chile.
- "In the Shadow of the Saltpeter War – “German” Educational Reform and the Need for Citizenship Education in Chile (1879-1920)", speech at the 36th "International Standing Conference for the History of Education" (ISCHE), 23. - 26. Juli 2014, University of London.
- “Governing by Testing: The Circulation of Psychometrics by an Inter-american Network of educational experts in the context of the “Alliance for progress”", speech at the "XXVI Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE) Conference: Governing Educational Spaces: Knowledge, Teaching, and Learning in Transition". 10-13 June, 2014, Freiburg, Germany Governing Educational Spaces: Knowledge, Teaching, and Learning in Transition, 10. - 13. Juni 2014, Freiburg.
- “Universidad e industrialización en Chile. Auge y caída de la Universidad Técnica del Estado (1947-1981)” [University and Industrialization in Chile. Rise and Fall of the "Universidad Técnica del Estado"], speech at the "XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Educación. Sujetos, poder y disputas por la educación", 6.- 9. Mai 2014, Toluca, Mexico.
- "Die Politisierung des Geographieunterrichts. Die Lehrerausbildung im Fach Geographie am Instituto Pedagógico (1889–1920)" [The Politicization of Geography Lessons. Geography Teacher Training at the Instituto Pedagógico in Chile (1889-1920) ", speech at the Workshop Wissensakteure und Grenzwissen zwischen Lateinamerika und Europa um 1900, 29.-30. November 2013, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut & Universität Erfurt, Berlin.
- "Ethnische Differenz als erziehungspolitisches Problem - Schulen des Staates und Indianerschulen des bayerischen Kapuzinerordens zur Erziehung der Mapuche in Chile (1883-1930)" [Ethnic Difference as a Problem of Educational Policy - State Schools versus Indigenous Schools schools of the Bavarian Capuchin Order for the Education of the Mapuche in Chile (1883-1930)", Speech at the "Conference of the Division of History of Education of the German Society for Education Science (DGfE), 'Education and Difference in historical Perspective'", 19.-21. September 2013, Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg.
- "Ganadores y perdedores - Genealogía de la Prueba de Aptitud Académica en Chile" [Winners and Losers - Genealogy of the Scholastic Aptitude Test in Chile], Speech at the XI Conference on History of Chilean Education, 'Two hundred years of Republican Education. Legacies, challenges and dialogues with the present', 8.-9. August 2013, Chilean Society of History of Education & Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile.
- “Selection by Aptitude? Genealogy of the “Prueba de Aptitud Académica” within the Reception of US-Models in Chile", speech at the "World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES), 'New Times, New Voices'", 24.-28. Juni 2013, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- "Transferencia de modelos y proceos de recpeción" [Transfer of Models and Processes of Reception. Prussia and Germany in Latin America], Speech at Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, National University of La Plata, Argentina.
- “German Education Experts in the South Pacific. The Reception of German Models of Teacher Education in Chile, 1883-1920”, speech at the "Second ADLAF Working Group Meeting of Latin American History in Global Perspective: Expert Knowledge in Latin American History. Local, Transnational and Global Perspectives", 24-26 January 2013, Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI), Free University Berlin.
- “El silencioso camino hacia la industrialización. Profesores y oficiales como agentes sociales durante la Era salitre en Chile (1885-1920)” (the quiet way towards industrialisation. Teachers and officers as social protagonists during the nitre era in Chile (1885-1920), speech at the "Colloque international: “Construction de l’État – nation et développement économique et social au Chili (1811-1976)”, 24- 25 January 2012, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre & Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Paris, France.
- „The „Instituto Pedagógico“ as a „Sui Generis“ Teacher Training Institution. About the Reception of German Models and Discourses in Chile (1885-1920)”, speech at the 34th "International Standing Conference for the History of Education” (ISCHE), 27-30 June 2012, Universität Geneva, Switzerland.
- „Pädagogische Grenzgänge(r) zwischen Deutschland und Chile. Zur transnationalen Konfigurierung pädagogischen Wissens und Institutionen der chilenischen Lehrerbildung im 19. Jahrhundert“, speech at the 23rd Congress of the German Society for Education Science (DGfE): "Erziehungswissenschaftliche Grenzgänge", 12-14 March 2012, University Osnabrück.
- „Bildung in (der) Bewegung – Zur Analyse der aktuellen Studentenbewegung in Chile und der daraus resultierenden Debatte über Bildung als „gemeinsames öffentliches Gut““, speech at the Lecture Series „Bildung und Medien“ on 26 January 2012 at the Centre for Latin American Studies, University Cologne.
- “Educating Citizens in the Name of Progress”. The Reception of German Teacher and Military Training Models in Chile (1885-1920)” , speech at the 33rd “International Standing Conference for the History of Education” (ISCHE), 26-29 July 2011, San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
- „Schule der Nation“ oder „Schule der Armen“? Die Kasernenschulen als gesellschaftspolitische Kompromisslösung in Chile am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts“, speech at the 22nd Congress of the German Society for Education Science (DGfE): "Bildung in der Demokratie", 15-17 March 2010, University Mainz.
- „Das deutsche Gesicht der chilenischen Nation: die Rezeption deutscher Modelle der Lehrer- und Militärausbildung in Chile (1883-1920).“ speech at the "Deutsch-chilenischen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen „Bicentenario“-Symposium: „Herausforderung der Globalisierung“ at the Ibero-American Institute, 20-21 November 2009, Berlin.
- "Construcción del estado nacional a través de 'sociedades de referencia'. La recepción de modelos alemanes de formación docente y militar desde 1880-1920 en Chile" [Nation-state building through "Societies of References". The Reception of German teacher- und military trainung models in Chile (1880-1920)], Speech at the International Iberoamerican Congress. IV Pedagogical Dialogues 'German Influences on Iberian and Latin American Education (1809-2009)'. 15-17. October 2009, University of Salamanca, Spain.
- (with Simone Holzwarth): “Erosion of Public Education? Investigating Educational Programs of Deregulation from a Transnational Perspective on the Examples of Chile, India and China.” speech at the 53rd Congress of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 22-26 March 2009, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
- “Nation-state building by travelling reforms and experts: the Reception of German teacher and military training models during the XIXth century in Chile." speech at the “New Scholars Committee Dissertation Workshop”, 53rd Congress of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), 22-26 March 2009, Charleston, South Carolina.
- „Von Preußen nach Patagonien: die Chilenisierung deutscher Modelle der Inklusion in Schule und Armee“. speech at the 6th International Summer School: „World Orders Revisited“, 22-26 September 2008, Research Academy Leipzig, Graduate Centre for Humanities and Social Science, University Leipzig.
- „Von Preußen nach Patagonien: die Chilenisierung deutscher Modelle der Inklusion in Schule und Armee“. speech at the Research Colloquium on the History of Latin America (Prof. Stefan Rinke), 10 June 2008, Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI), Free University Berlin.