Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - History of Education



Grammar school in Santiago de Chile


Studies in Music and Psychology at University of Chile and Diego Portales University, Chile


Teaching Assistant for Psychology of Education and Social Psychology at Diego Portales University, Chile


Diploma in Psychology (Licenciatura) (honours degree) and Certification as a psychologist (título professional) at Diego Portales University, Chile


Prize of the National Council of Culture and the Arts, Chile (Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes) for diploma thesis titled “Das Kinderorchester als Lern- und Entwicklungskontext“ (“The children’s orchestra as a place of learning and development“)


Scholarship from the Argentinean Department of Education, Science and Technology


M.A. (Maestría) in Social Sciences with Specialisation in Education at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLASCO), Argentina


Research Assistant in the ‘Valoras’ education programme, Faculty of Psychology, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile


Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


PhD Student and Lecturer at the Department of Comparative Education, Institute of Education Studies, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

since 2009

Member of Humboldt University's Interdisciplinary Center for Educational Research.
project (with Dr. Barbara Schulte, Simone Holzwarth, M.A. & Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schriewer): “Erosion der Idee öffentlicher Bildungssysteme? Zur transnationalen Diffusion und kontextspezifischen Rezeption alternativer Governance-Programme in Lateinamerika (Chile) und Asien (Indien und China)“ / “Erosion of the idea of public education systems? The transnational diffusion and the context-specific reception of alternative governance modes in Latin America (Chile) and Asia (India and China)“.

since April 2011

Research Fellow at the Department of History of Education, Institute of Education Studies, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany