Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - Department of General Pedagogy

Winter Semester 2016/17

Please register for courses through AGNES




Bachelor Erziehungswissenschaften


Pedagogical research, thinking and practice

Die Vorlesung gibt einen einführenden Überblick über Theorien, Begriffe und Methoden der Erziehungswissenschaft. Ausgehend von Fallbeispielen aus der pädagogischen Praxis werden historische und zeitgenössische Modelle von Erziehung, Bildung, Lernen und Sozialisation vorgestellt und auf ihre Voraussetzungen, ihre Geltung und ihre Grenzen hin untersucht. Damit verbunden ist ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Praxen (Beraten, Unterrichten, Zeigen) und Felder erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung (Leib, Körper, Macht, Autorität, Diversität) sowie über Grundlagen der qualitativen Methodenlehre.

2 hours per week
2 CP
thursday, 10-12
course number 54184
Prof. Dr.Malte Brinkmann
room 1115, Unter den Linden 6


Education, learning, Bildung and socialisation - Contemporary and traditional approaches to educational thinking

This seminar deepens the lecture in this module. We will explore basic concepts of educational thinking and read classical texts dealing with keyconcepts of educational research.

2 hours per week
4 CP
thursday, 12-14
course number 54183
Ege Kafali Bayer
room 229, Invalidenstr. 110

Education, learning and Bildung - Introduction to concepts and theories of pedagogical thinking and practice

The seminar deals with keyconcepts such as education, learning, Bildung and socialisation. We will also explore the role and function of basic theoretical questions for the discipline of educational studies.

2 hours per week
4 CP
thursday, 12-14
course number 54192
Dr. Denise Wilde
room 1.503, Dorotheenstr. 24


Basic concepts of educational studies

This seminar deepens the lecture in this module. We will explore basic concepts of educational thinking and read classical texts dealing with keyconcepts of educational research.

2 hours per week
4 CP
wednesday, 14-16
course number 54198
Dr. Denise Wilde
room 1.205, Dorotheenstr. 24

Introduction to empirical pedagogical research (Part 1)

This seminar provides an overview of important theories, methods and practices of empirical qualitative research in educational studies. We will work with ethnographical, hermeneutic and phenomenological approaches and also take examples from classrooms into account.

2 hours per week
4 CP
thursday, 14-16
course number 54206
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 2093, Unter den Linden 6


Introduction to empirical pedagogical research (Part 1)

This seminar provides an overview of important theories, methods and practices of empirical qualitative research in educational studies. We will work with ethnographical, hermeneutic and phenomenological approaches and also take examples from classrooms into account.

2 hours per week
4 CP
thursday, 10-12
course number 54195
Sales Rödel
room 1.308, Dorotheenstr. 24

Early childhood education and Bildung - Introduction to theory and research of early childhood

This seminar introduces approaches to pedagogy of early childhood. We will discuss contemporary and historical texts and critically examine definitions of the child and childhood and also question the role of adult educators.

4 CP
monday, 14-16
course number 54202
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 1072, Unter den Linden 6


"With every mistake we must surely be learning..." - Failure and negatice experience in Bildung and learning

„Mathein - pathein“, „aus Schaden wird man klug“, “reculer pour mieux sauter” or “no pain, no gain” – various metaphors refer to the connection between learning and suffering. It seems that learning cannot only be characterized by positive features (e. g. learning successes, affirmation of one’s skills) but also by regression and struggle. This seminar will focus on the connection between learning and negative experiences culminating in the concept of the negativity of learning. By examining everyday metaphors und examples from literature, the course will reveal basic links between commonplace instances of negativity and subsequently discuss the pedagogical relevance of failure.
Learning as a key concept of pedagogy will be examined on the premises of psychological, constructivistic and pedagogical theories of learning. The seminar will also give an outlook on the possibilities of empirical research conducted in the field of pedagogical negativity. 

2 hours per week
4 SP
thursday, 14-16
course number 54194
Sales Rödel
room 0319-22, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7


Master Erziehungswissenschaften


Controversies in contemporary educational research

Controversial questions and positions play a vital and fruitful role in the advancement of research fields. They are the sources of new problematizations and, at the same time, they discuss widely accepted certainties. The seminar addresses selected controversial positions in educational research and educational theory and discusses the role of controversies from an epistemological viewpoint. Discussions from English-speaking countries will also be taken into consideration.

2 hours per week
5 CP
thursday, 14-16
course number 54191
Dr. Denise Wilde
room 1.503, Dorotheenstr. 24


The materiality of classrooms: teaching and learning resources in the perspective of cultural studies and educational studies

This seminar explores the materiality of classroom learning. In a praxeological perspective we will analyse learning materials and collections of scientific ressources at  Humboldt-University.

3 CP
wednesday, 14-16
course number 54186
Dr. Denise Wilde
room 1.503, Dorotheenstr. 24


Introduction to qualitative pedagogical research

The lecture gives a practice-oriented overview of relevant sociological and pedagogical qualitative methods. The focus will be laid on the historical (especially hermeneutic), epistemological and methodological foundations of sociological and pedagogical research while also illustrating the discussed research methods on the basis of practical pedagogical examples. Ethnographic and videographic pedagogical empirics will serve as the focal point of this course.

1 hour per week
2 CP
wednesday, 13-14
course number 54196
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 207, Dorotheenstr. 26


Describing, understanding, interpreting: Theory of science and methodology in applied use

This seminar deepens the contents of the lecture in this module.

2 Shours per week
4 CP
friday, 10-12
course number 54190
Dr. Denise Wilde
room 400, Invalidenstr. 110


Seminar for students in internships

This seminar accompanies the internship compulsory to students in masters courses. We will reflect your experiences in the internships and try to conect them to educational theory.

2 hours per week
2 CP
monday, 16-18
course number 54207
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann


Observing, describing, analysing - Introduction to qualitative methods of pedagogical research

Based on examples of pedagogical practice and own experiences in school the secture provides an overview of qualitative methods in social and educational studies. We will deal with theories such as hermeneutic, ethnography, phenomenology and reconstructive methods and get to know practices such as observing, describing, interpreting and analysing.

1 hour per week

friday, 13-14
course number 54185
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 3038/35, Unter den Linden 6


Humanism, post-humanism, trans-humanism

Post- and trans-humanism have become sallient topics of philosophy since the proclamation of the 'death of (anthropological) man'. This has also lead to the transformation of images of humanity and in consequence to a changing image of man within educational studies and educational practice. This seminar is the follow-up course of last semesters seminar on anthropology.

2 hours per week
3 CP
wednesday, 16-20 (14-tägig)                                      
course number 54197
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 235, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 7