Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - Department of General Pedagogy

Winter Semester 2012/13

Please register for courses through AGNES.




Bachelor Erziehungswissenschaften


Bachelor Erziehungswissenschaften - Module 1

Fundamental Concepts and Theories of Pedagogic Thought and Action/ Basic Questions of Education and Schooling


2 hours per week
Th, 10-12
Course Number 54101
2 CP
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Benner
room 1115, Unter den Linden 6


Controversies in the Area of Educational and Institutional Theory

2 hours per week
Tue, 16-18
Course Number 54102
2 CP
Severin Rödel
room 1.205, Dorotheenstr. 24


Tutorial: Fundamental Concepts and Theories of Pedagogic Thought and Action/ Basic Questions of Education and Schooling

2 hours per week

Course Number 54103
3 CP
Daniel Przygoda, Jens Runge, Meike Stürmer
Please see AGNES for detailed information on course date, time and location!


Bachelor Erziehungswissenschaften - Module 8

Childhood, Youth and Intergenerationality within the Pedagogic Framework

Advanced Seminar
2 hours per week

Block Seminar

Course Number 54104
10 CP
Dipl.-Pol. Ulf Banscherus, Dipl.-Vw. Anna Spexard
Fr, 14.12.2012, 14-18, room 1.205, Dorotheenstr. 24
Fr, 01.02.2013, 14-18, room 1.204, Dorotheenstr. 24
04.04.-05.04.2013, 9-18, room 1.204, Dorotheenstr. 24

Master Erziehungswissenschaften


Master Erziehungswissenschaften - Module 1

Discourses of Learning

Advanced Seminar
2 hours per week
Tue, 16-18
Course Number 54107
5 CP
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 1.503, Dorotheenstr. 24

Hermeneutics and Phenomenology of Education

Advanced Seminar
2 hours per week
Wed, 17-19
Course Number 54108
5 CP
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 1.205, Dorotheenstr. 24


Master Erziehungswissenschaften - Module 3

Perceive - Feel - Think. Fundamentals of Aesthetic Education


Advanced Seminar
2 hours per week
Thu, 10-12
Course Number 54109
5 CP
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 1.205, Dorotheenstr. 24

Form and Formation

Advanced Seminar
2 hours per week
Wed, 14-16
Course Number 54110
5 CP
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 1.205, Dorotheenstr. 24