Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - Department of General Pedagogy

Summer Semester 2017

Please register for couses through AGNES




Bachelor Erziehungswissenschaften


Empirical pedagogical research (II)

The seminar presents an overview of relevant theories, methods and pracitces of empirical research within the field of pedagogy. Using samples from videographic research, ethnographical, phenomenological and hermeneutical approaches will be practiced. By using a videographic software we will analyze different video sequences and also practice written analysis.

2 hours per week
4/5 CP
monday, 10-12
course number 54135
Johannes Türstig
room 124, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 7


Empirical pedagogical research (II)

The seminar presents an overview of relevant theories, methods and pracitces of empirical research within the field of pedagogy. Using samples from videographic research, ethnographical, phenomenological and hermeneutical approaches will be practiced. By using a videographic software we will analyze different video sequences and also practice written analysis.

2 hours per week
4/5 CP
monday, 10-12
course number 54147
Dr. Denise Wilde
room 1.204, Dorotheen-Straße 24


Empirical pedagogical research (II)

The seminar presents an overview of relevant theories, methods and pracitces of empirical research within the field of pedagogy. Using samples from videographic research, ethnographical, phenomenological and hermeneutical approaches will be practiced. By using a videographic software we will analyze different video sequences and also practice written analysis.

2 hours per week
4/5 CP
wednesday, 12 pm - 2 pm
course number 54146
Dr. Irene Leser
room 1.205, Dorotheenstraße 24


Empirical pedagogical research (II)

The seminar presents an overview of relevant theories, methods and pracitces of empirical research within the field of pedagogy. Using samples from videographic research, ethnographical, phenomenological and hermeneutical approaches will be practiced. By using a videographic software we will analyze different video sequences and also practice written analysis.

2 hours per week
4/5 CP
thursday, 12 pm - 2 pm
course number 54135
Dr. Irene Leser
room 400, Invalidenstraße 110

Das Konzept Lebenslanges Lernen: Perspektiven Allgemeiner Erziehungswissenschaft

Das Konzept des Lebenslangen Lernens (LLL) will das Lernen von Menschen über die gesamte Lebensspanne in den Blick bringen. Mit ihm sollen linear gedachte Bildungs- und Berufswege überwunden bzw. flexibilisiert und strukturelle, institutionelle und organisatorische Rahmungen des Lernens und der Bildung durchbrochen werden. In zahlreichen bildungsthoeretischen Forderungen und pädagogischen Programmen findet das Konzept des LLL eine Verankerung. Was aber das VOrhaben genau beinhaltet und welche individuellen und institutionellen (An-)Forderungen und BEdingungen sich damit an lebenslange Lernprozesse stellen, soll im Seminar thematisiert werden. Das Konzept des LLL wird hier aus allgemeinpädagogischer Perspektive vorgestellt und hinsichtlich seiner Prämissen, Ziele und dem Zusammenhang mit Konzepten Allgemeiner Erziehungswissenschaft kritisch befragt.

2 hours per week
5 CP
thursday, 2 pm - 4 pm
course number 54175
Sales Rödel
room 1.205, Dorotheenstraße 24



Identifying professional goals, mobilizing resources

Als Begleitveranstaltung zum Praktikum hat die Übung das Ziel, praktische Erfahrungen zu reflektieren und diese in das Studium einzubinden. Nach Absprache mit den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern sollen in der Übung außerdem persönliche Ressourcen sowie individuelle berufliche Ziele berücksichtigt und weiterentwickelt werden.

Zu folgenden Fragen wird gemeinsam gearbeitet: Wie wähle ich eine geeignete Praktikumsstelle aus? Wie bewerbe ich mich um eine Praktikumsstelle? Wie finde ich einen Praktikumsplatz im Ausland? Was sind meine Rechte und Pflichten während des Praktikums? Wie beobachte und beschreibe ich Praxiserfahrungen? Wie gehe ich mit den Praxiserfahrungen um und überführe sie in einen Praktikumsbericht (Theorie-Praxis-Reflexion)? Wie kann ich meine Praxiserfahrungen in das weitere Studium integrieren und ggf. für die Bachelor-Arbeit nutzen? Welche beruflichen Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven bieten sich im Anschluss an das Praktikum?

Voraussetzungen zum Besuch der Übung sind die regelmäßige Teilnahme sowie die Bereitschaft, an einer offenen und vertrauensvollen Arbeitsatmosphäre mitzuwirken.

Bitte beachten Sie vor der Anmeldung folgende Informationen zum Praktikum:

2 hours per week
2 CP
tuesday, 2  pm - 4 pm
course number 54135
Dr. Denise Wilde
room 1.204, Dorotheenstraße 24

Master Erziehungswissenschaften


Transformation, Transgression, Transposition. On repetition within education and learning

In the last two decades, we have been witnessing a paradigmatic turn in cognitive sciences, social sciences, and the humanities: the so-called embodied cognition (EC). This theory derives from an original and unexpected milieu constituted by phenomenology, complex system theory and contemplative tradition (in particular Buddhism and mindfulness meditation). EC reframes the “body-mind problem” and it offers a new perspective on crucial concepts such as ‘mind’, ‘cognition’, ‘knowledge’, and ‘learning’. Differently from behavioral and computational approaches, the EC reconsiders the importance of subjective experience (first-person perspective) and the role that the lived body (Leib) plays in it. We will look at some main topics, e.g. Leib, Kӧrper, embodied learning, contemplative education – and we will critically discuss the convergence of EC and education as a new area of theoretical, empirical, and applicative research in educational science. In particular, we will see: The background of the embodied theory in education. Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Hubert Dreyfus: phenomenology of perception, body-as-object and body-as-subject, intelligence without representation. How the body shapes the mind. Phenomenological and neurocognitive aspects of the body-mind connection. Educational aspects of body-mind practices (mindfulness meditation, yoga and tai chi): why and how to teach them in educational contexts? What is mindfulness meditation and how does it work in educational contexts? Contemplative Education Programs: A critical analysis. Fitness vs. Wellbeing: from Hedonism to Eudaimonia.

  • The course will include frontal teaching, interactive discussion, case studies, group’s work, and experiential training.
2 hours per week
5 CP
23.+24.06., 30.06.,01.07. 10 am - 5 pm
course number 54266
Dr. Denis Francesconi


Transformation, Transgression, Transposition. On repetition within education and learning

Change, transformation, transgression and transposition are prominent metaphors to describe changes in habitus, of the self or of self-relations. Within educational studies, different models of transformation (Koller), transgression (Foucault and Butler) and transposition (Mersch) try to describe these processes. In this lecture, these processes will also be concidered in a perspective of repetition within education. Phenomenological and discourse-analytical perspectives will be used to reflect on the problem of habits, norms, normification, knowledge and knowing-how in repetition. Thereby, in the wake of the body turn, body and lived body shift in focus as media of education.

2 hours per week
2 CP
tuesday, 12 pm - 2 pm
course number 54158
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 2094, Unter den Linden 6


Learning - Bildung - Practicing

Learning, Bildung and practicing are key terms and metaphors, which are not clearly defined in consensual way within educational studies. A heterogenous field of perspectives on these phenomena makes it hard to distinguish one from another. Other disciplines (such as psychology, neuro-biology etc.) offer even more concepts and definitions. In this seminar, we will focus on practices of learning, Bildung and practicing and try to find out how they are connected through notions of time, continuity and discontinuity.

2 hours per week
5 CP
thursday, 2 pm - 4 pm
course number 54157
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 235, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7


Lived body and body - educational and social theoretical perspectives

The lived body is present and palpable – as a public, displayed, symbolic, shaped and enticed body it is encountered everywhere. It is object of medial, biotechnical and cultural practices – from enhancement and well being to athletic training and spiritual meditation. Furthermore, it has been given attention to the body in the social sciences in the course of the body turn. Recently, the lived body is recognised within gender studies and post-feminism as well as the cognitive and medical sciences. In philosophy, bodily images assuming the submission of the body to reason can be found from Plato to Christianity, Descartes and Kant. The instrumentalization of the lived body within science and culture is succeeding Descartes’ geometricalisation of nature in modern times. Within pedagogy, the commissioning of the lived body commences in manifold theories, practices and institutions. It becomes manifest in the neglect of perspectives of the lived body within pedagogy and for a long time represented the marginalisation, disciplining and normalisation of the lived body. Contrary to this notion of the body, Phenomenology developed a precise understanding of the term lived body (Leib) in the early 20th century by redefining the relation of lived body and thinking with a non- dualistic theory. In Phenomenology, diverse applications of the lived body are accounted for from Husserl to Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger, Fink, Plessner, Levinas, Waldenfels and Within the phenomenological educational sciences, a lived body oriented pedagogy has been developed (Fink, Meyer-Drawe, van Manen, Brinkmann).

2 hours per week
3 CP
wednesday, 4 pm - 8 pm (14-tägig)                                      
course number 54150
Prof. Dr. Malte Brinkmann
room 235, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 7