since 10/2019 |
Research Assistant in the pilot project 'Medienscouts Nordsachsen' by order of Landesamt für Schule und Bildung (LaSuB) |
since 10/2019 |
Teaching Faculty at Leipzig University (Institute of Educational Sciences) |
07/2015-02/2020 |
Research Assistant at Department of Media Education at Europa-Universität Flensburg in the project ,MediaMatters!' |
02/2017- 07/2018 |
Scientific Leadership of the project ,LOERSH - OER in die Schule! Landesweite OER-Qualifizierung Schleswig-Holstein' at Department of Media Education at Europa-Universität Flensburg |
01/2012- 12/2014 |
Research Assistant at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) in the project ,GeNuMedia' (Barrierefreie Medien - Generationenübergreifende Nutzungskonzepte) |
01/2011- 07/2012 |
Research Assistant at Institute for Communication Studies and Media Studies at Leipzig University in the project ,Medienkonvergenz Monitoring lll' |
08/2006- 12/2008 |
Student Assistant at Institute of Communication and Media Studies at Leipzig University |
2003-2010 |
Studies of Communication and Media Studies and Anglistics at Leipzig University |