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Für im Arbeitsbereich angesiedelte Promovierende und Postdocs gibt es neben den regulären öffentlichen Veranstaltungen (inkl. der Lehre) noch ein internes prozessbegleitendes Kolloquium und Beratungsangebot.
Laufende Dissertationen:
(Seite im Aufbau)
Azakhiwe Z. Nocanda: The othering of Africans: a comparative analysis on the impact of internalised racism amongst Africans.
PhD-project: "The othering of Africans: a comparative analysis on the impact of internalised racism amongst Africans (click to read more)
My research aims to examine the coloniality of Internalised racism as a phenomenon and how it’s longitudinal impact has influenced racial identity formation amongst B(b)lack-Africans in South Africa and Germany. Furthermore, the role of racial identity as a protective factor in the context of internalised racism remains unclear. Utilising Franz Fanon’s psychanalytical framework, Steve Biko’s Black Consciousness and W.B.E d Bois’s Double Consciousness as the main theoretical framework for this research. This selection of intellectuals has been critically evaluated, based on the chronology of ideas and traditions between these figures. It is evident that their work and contributions became more nuanced and rigorously developed as one moved from one figure to the next.
Academic career
2022- Lecturer, Humboldt Study Abroad Program, Humboldt University Berlin 10/2020-10/2022 - Lecturer, Berlin Perspectives, Humboldt University Berlin 2021 - Lecturer, Berlin Perspectives, Humboldt University Berlin
09/2016-09/2017 -Student Mentor, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
2022-2023 – Lecturer, Center for Gender Studies and Feminist Future Studies, Philipps-University Marburg
2022-2023 – Lecturer, Center for Gender Studies and Feminist Future Studies, Philipps-University Marburg
05/2015-11/2015- Intership, Public Diplomacy, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa Berlin, Germany
01/2017-08/2018 – Intercultural Communications officer, Chulalongkorn University Political Science Department, Thailand
09/2009-09/2011- Student Representative of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences,Department of Psychology, University of Groningen
09/2010-09/2012- President of the Psychology Lecture Committee, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, University of Groningen
09/2013-05/2015 Student Mentor, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
09/2009-09/2010 - Intercultural Student Committee, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, University of Groningen
since 04/2022- Doctoral Candidate, Working title: The othering of Africans: a comparative analysis on the impact of internalised racism amongst Africans, the Institute for Educational Science, Department of Educational Science with a focus on Gender and Diversity, Humboldt University Berlin.
04/2016-06/2018 – Masters of Arts Social Science in the Global Studies program, Thesis title: Comparative analysis of the South African and German Migration Policy: To what extent dos the asylum process in South African and Germany impact integration (or perceived integration) of refugee seeking asylum, Department of Sociology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg and
the university of Cape Town.
09/2016 – 12/20216 Exchange within Global Studies program, Department of Sociology,University of Cape Town
01/2017- 06/2017 Exchange within Global Studies program, Political Science Department, Chulalongkorn University
01/2013-06/2015 Masters of Arts (with merit), Department of Social Science, Glasgow University
09/2009-09-/011- Academic Credits, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, University of Groningen
Research Focus
- Black Consciousness (focus on Steve Biko, Franz Fanon and W.B.E du Bois)
- African Migration
- Intersectional inequalities
Humboldt Award for Excellence in Teaching for 2022.
Short-list Nomination for Humboldt Award for Excellence in Teaching for 2021
DAAD STIBET scholarships for socially engaged international PhD candidates 2022
Deutschlandstipendium for Academic Excellent 2017
Marie Luise Junghahn
Vivian Buchholz