Professor Peter Mayo
University of Malta
Adult Educational Research and the Politics of Indignation in 'These Times'
My keynote will focus on the challenges for education within the context of a politics of indignation. It will outline some of the major issues characterising manifestations of the politics of indignation in these 'hard' though interesting times in different parts of the globe, notably Europe, North America and the Arab world. It will highlight concerns expressed by indignant protestors in these manifestations who make their presence felt in the globalised squares and cities of these countries (Austria, Greece and Egypt in particular) and highlight alternative adult learning measures that have emerged from these protests and their implications for adult education within movements today.
Professor Katarina Popović
University of Belgrade
Adult Education - Lost in a Transition?
The keynote questions the contemporary role of adult education as the field of practice and even more as the scientific discipline. The author criticizes the current dominant discourse about the lifelong learning and adult education as non-authentic and genuine one, but borrowed or imposed by economic discourses.
Using historical examples and analyzing the role adult education played in different historical and socio-economic contexts, author suggests the hypo-thesis that the science of adult education today gave up asking the most important questions – those about goal, meaning, and values. In the course of transition from postmodernism to post-postmodernism, while the former was slowly losing its power, adult education was losing its critical and/or leading role, becoming unable to answer the biggest challenges of nowadays society – ideological, political, economical, ecological and personal.
While adult education practice is successfully “serving” the paradigms created in other fields, such as productivity, competitiveness, mobility, skillfulness etc, the science of education is powerless when it comes to the policy creation (on national, European and international level), to the tendencies of global development and to global problems.
Has adult education lost it’s identity and it’s purpose?