Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - History of Education


Research profile

History of Science and Education

Topical focus

  • German education research since 1945 (constructing ‚empirical research‘)
  • History of Science as History of Knowledge? (esp. normative/ethically based research & ‘practical relevance’ of science - problems and praxis of validity)
  • Development of modern societies / theory of modernization / theory of the knowledge society (Wissensgesellschaft) (esp. positioning of education research)
  • History of German-Jewish education in the 18th century


Current project

  • Research project since December 2014 (working titel)
    Constructing ‚empirical research‘. The formation of education science in Western-Germany, 1945-1975 – a study on the history of knowledge
    (Wissenschaft-Politik-Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen. Eine wissensgeschichtliche Studie zur ersten Phase "empirischer Bildungsforschung" in Westdeutschland, 1945-1975)

Finished projects