Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - History of Education


As main lecturer/keynote speaker


  • “Two Different Realms. Politics and Education Research in European History”. Keynote auf dem European Congress of Education Research, Cádiz, September 2012.


  • “Within, Between, Above, and Beyond. Pr(e)positions for an international history of educational models and practices”. Keynote auf der International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), Genf, Juli 2012.


  • „La invención de nuevos estados: independencias y escuelas mutuas desde la historia global (1815-1850)“ (The invention of new states: independence and schools of monitorial teaching from a global historical perspective). IX Congresso Iberoamericano de História da Educação Latino-americana, Rio de Janeiro, November 2009.


  • Keynote speech at the conference „Influencias alemanas en la historia de la educación Iberoamericana“ (German influence on the Latin-American history of education), University of Salamanca, October 2009.


  • Keynote speech at the Congress of the Union for Education Theory, organised by the university departments for the history of education of Argentina, Rosario, September 2009.


  • Keynote speech at the conference „Globalization and Education“ of the History of Education Society. Birmingham, December 2007. Topic „World Systems, World Society, World Polity: Theoretical Insights for a Global History of Education“.


  • „El desgaste del paradigma multicultural. La discusión alemana sobre problemas culturales y educativos en un entorno global“ (the erosion of the multicultural paradigm: the current German discussion about culture and education in a globalised environment), at the conference „Multi- und Interkulturalismus in Politik, Kultur und Bildung“, organised by the international University of Menéndez y Pelayo, in La Laguna, Tenerife, November 2006.


  • „La fusión de lo global y lo local. La escuela mutua entre modelos universales y condiciones locales. Un progama de investigación“ (The fusion of the global and the local. Mutual instruction between universal models and and local conditions. A research programme). Final conference at the Congress of the Argentinian Society for History of Education, La Plata/Argentina, August 2006.


  • „Disciplinas, disciplinamiento y enseñanza en América Latina“ (Disciplines, Disciplining and Schooling in Latin America), held at the conference „Thinking differently. Michel Foucault and the research in education history” in Bogotá (Colombia), 28-31 October 2004.