Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - Centre for Comparative and International Education

Former Staff


Bild Homepage Jakob Erichsen-1.jpg

Dr. Jakob Erichsen

01/2019 – 05/2023: Doctoral candidate

Seit 06/2023: Employee in the social sciences cluster of the state program "Zukunft Schule im digitalen Zeitalter" (Europa-Universität Flensburg)




Dr. Nadine Bernhard

Researcher and Lecturer 03/2014-05/2023
since 05/2023: Professor at Technischen Universität Berlin (TU) for the subject area "Higher education in the context of digital change and diversity"


Foto von Dr. Christian Brueggemann

Dr. Christian Brüggemann

Researcher 2014 - 2017


E-Mail: c.brueggemann(at)






Prof. i.R. Dr. Jürgen Henze

1993 to 2015 Professor of Comparative Education

2015 to 2021 Senior Professor at the Department of Comparative Education

Jürgen Henze has spent numerous research and teaching periods in East Asia, particularly in the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong. His research focuses on modernization processes and educational developments in East Asian education systems, theory and practice of cultural sensitization, as well as non-Western (especially Chinese) approaches to intercultural communication and competence development.


Foto von Franziska Primus

Franziska Primus


Researcher and Lecturer

2018 - 2019

Student Assistant 

2014 - 2016





Lena Förster


Secretariat and ERASMUS support from 2014 to 2018


Lena Förster headed the secretariat of the Department of Comparative and International Education and supervised ERASMUS students from Humboldt-Universität and from the countries of our partner universities. She is studying English and Spanish as a second degree to become a teacher.



Bettina Vogt

doctoral candidate 2011- 2018


Bettina Vogt was a doctoral student in the DFG project „Unterschiedliche Welten der Meritokratie? Schulische Leistungsbeurteilung und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit in Deutschland, Schweden und England im Zeitalter der ‚standards-based reform‘


Camilla Addey, PhD


Fritz Thyssen Fellow 2015 - 2017







Foto von Jürgen Schriewer

Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Jürgen Schriewer

Chair holder from 1991 to 2010


He was President of the Comparative Education Society in Europe (1992-1996) and repeatedly visiting professor at universities in Paris, Stockholm, Tokyo, Mexico City and Buenos Aires. Together with colleagues in history, social and regional sciences, he was co-founder and deputy spokesperson of the DFG-funded research group "Historical-Social Science Comparison of Societies" (1995-2000) and the subsequent Collaborative Research Center "Representation of Social Orders in Transition. Intercultural and intertemporal comparisons" (2004-2012). His main research interests include: Theory and history of comparison in educational and social sciences; comparative-historical educational research (including the comparative history of science in educational science); and historical globalization research. For his work, he has been awarded the German-Japanese Research Prize of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the X. Swedish Research Prize from the Jubilee Foundation of the Swedish Riksbank.

Foto von Martine Tarrieux

Martine Tarrieux


Secretariat 1992 - 2010