Dr. Nelli Piattoeva
Visiting Scholar
Dr Nelli Piattoeva is a University Lecturer in education sciences at the University of Tampere, Finland, and an Adjunct Professor in international and comparative education policy research at the University of Oulu, Finland. Nelli’s research interest in the institutions of formal education is mainly focused on the complexities of the relationship between education policy-making and the wider society.
Her doctoral dissertation (from 2011) examined how citizenship education policies and curricula changed in result of nation- and state re-building in the post-Cold War Russia and Finland. More recently Nelli moved to explore the manifestations, mechanisms and effects of accountability and quality evaluation reforms in school education. In relation to this her on-going research is particularly concerned with national and international large-scale assessments as sources of evidence for policy-making and new technologies of governance at a distance. This research agenda links to her interest to empirically study and offer new theoretical and methodological insights into the transnationalization and datafication of education policy particularly with the help of theoretical perspectives from Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Actor-Network-Theory (ANT). Among other topics, Nelli examines Russia as a re-emerging aid donor, ongoing changes in the aid donor architecture and the role of international organizations in these transformations. She also writes about the importance of re-narrating socialist and postsocialist histories in general and childhood and schooling during (post)socialism in particular through memories of cultural insiders.
Most recent and forthcoming publications include:
Piattoeva, Nelli & Saari, Antti (forthcoming 2017). The infrastructures of objectivity in standardized testing. In Maddox, B. (Ed.) International Large-Scale Assessments in Education. Bloomsbury.
Piattoeva, Nelli & Gurova, Galina (forthcoming 2017) Domesticating international assessments in Russia: historical grievances, national values, scientific rationality and education modernization. In Cristina Alarcón & Martin Lawn (Eds.) Pupil Assessment Cultures in Historical Perspective. Studia Educationis Historica: Bildungsgeschichtliche. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang.
Silova, Iveta; Piattoeva, Nelli & Millei, Zsuzsa (Eds., forthcoming 2017) Childhood and Schooling in (Post)Socialist Societies. Memories of Everyday Life. Palgrave Macmillan.
Silova, Iveta; Millei, Zsuzsa & Piattoeva, Nelli (2017) Interrupting the coloniality of knowledge production in comparative education: Post-socialist and post-colonial dialogues after the Cold War. Comparative Education Review 61 (S1), 74-102.
Silova, Iveta; Aydaova, Elena; Millei, Zsuzsa and Nelli Piattoeva (Eds., 2016) Special issue: Revisiting pasts, reimagining futures: Memories of (post) socialist childhood and schooling. European Education 48 (3).
Piattoeva, Nelli (2016) The imperative to protect data and the rise of surveillance cameras in administering national testing in Russia. European Educational Research Journal 15 (1), 82-98.
Piattoeva, Nelli (2015) Elastic numbers – national examinations data as a technology of government. Journal of Education Policy 30 (3), 316-334.
Piattoeva, Nelli & Takala, Tuomas (2015) Russia as a returning donor – four roles in development assistance to education. Globalisation, Societies and Education 13 (3), 388-410.
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