Mayweg-Paus, E., & Zimmermann, M. (2022). Kritisches Denken beim Umgang mit Online-Informationen an der Hochschule. H. A. Mieg & F. Havemann (Hrsg.). Critical Thinking. Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2021. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.
Zimmermann M., Engel, O., & Mayweg-Paus, E. (2022). Pre-service teachers’ search strategies when sourcing educational information on the Internet.Frontiers in Education, 7:976346. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.976346
Mayweg-Paus, E. Zimmermann, M. & Ruwe, T. (2021). DIALLS Dataset of evaluations of Open Educational Resources – The Cultural Literacy Learning Programme resources [Data set]. Zenodo.
Mayweg-Paus, E.*, Zimmermann, M.*, Lefke, C. (2021). "You are not alone" – Opportunities and challenges for university students' collaborative engagement when dealing with online information about COVID19. Frontiers in Psychology. *shared first authorship.
Mayweg-Paus E., Zimmermann M. (2021) Educating Cultural Literacy with Open Educational Resources: Opportunities and Obstacles of Digital Teacher Collaborations. In: Maine F., Vrikki M. (Eds) Dialogue for Intercultural Understanding. Springer, Cham.
Zimmermann, M., & Mayweg-Paus, E. (2021). The role of collaborative argumentation in future teachers' selection of online information. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie /German Journal of Pedagogical Psychology, 1–14.
Hendriks, F., Mayweg-Paus, E., Felton, M., Iordanou, K., Jucks, R., & Zimmermann, M. (2020). Constraints and Affordances of Online Engagement With Scientific Information—A Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(572744).
Mayweg-Paus, E., Zimmermann, M., Le, N.T., & Pinkwart, N. (2020). A review of technologies for collaborative online information seeking: On the contribution of collaborative argumentation. Education and Information Technologies.
Mayweg-Paus, E., Enders, N. & Zimmermann, M. (2020). Kommunikation und E-Learning. Bedingungen, Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und Qualitätssicherung beim Einsatz von Foren in der Hochschullehre. Die Hochschullehre, 6, 35-60.
Zimmermann, M., & Jucks, R. (2018). Investigating the Role of Communication for Information Seekers’ Trust-Related Evaluations of Health Videos on the Web: Content Analysis, Survey Data, and Experiment. Interactive Journal of Medical Research, 7(2), e10282. doi:10.2196/10282
Zimmermann, M., & Jucks, R. (2018). With a view to the side: You Tube's sidebad and You Tuber's linguistic style as hints for trust-related evaluations. International Journal of Human-Computer-Interaction. doi:10.1080/10777318.2018.1519165
Zimmermann, M., & Jucks, R. (2018). How experts´ use of medical technical jargon in different types of online health forums affects perceived information credibility: A randomized experiment with laypersons. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(1):e30. doi:10.2196/1jmir.8346
Muck, C., Schiller, E.-M., Zimmermann, M., & Kärtner, J. (2018). Preventing Sexual Violence in Adolescence: Comparison of a Scientist-Practitioner Program and a Practitioner Program Using a Cluster-Randomized Design. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 11, 1–28. doi:10.1177/0886260518755488
Jucks, R., Linnemann, G. A., Thon, F. M., & Zimmermann, M. (2016). Trust the words: Insights into the role of language in trust building in a digitalized world. In B. Blöbaum (Eds.) Trust and Communication in a Digitalized World (pp.225-237). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28059-2