Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - History of Education

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Humanities and Social Science | Department of Education Studies | History of Education | Research Projects | Abstracts | Discursive contexts of modern pedagogy and bourgeois economy. A discourse analytical examination in the context of the introduction of compulsory schooling and teaching in the 18th century Prussia (working title)

Discursive contexts of modern pedagogy and bourgeois economy. A discourse analytical examination in the context of the introduction of compulsory schooling and teaching in the 18th century Prussia (working title)

(PhD Project by Adwoa Abeney, supervised by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Caruso

Project Description


The analysis acts on the assumption that modern pedagogy and bourgeois economy, having evolved during the same time and partly sharing the same philosophical roots (Enlightenment), might also be mutually constituted in a certain way. With a discourse analytical approach, the change of the school as a central educational institution of the 18th century (from an economical burden, for example, the deprivation of workers to an element of economical production, for example, the instruction of workers), that reflected in the compulsory schooling and teaching, should be traced. Aim of this project is to analyse these connections in their development and arrangement: To what extent do discursive connections between compulsory schooling and teaching and economic interests exist and how do they change?