Former colleagues
Professor Dr. Jürgen Schriewer
Jürgen Schriewer is Emeritus Professor of Comparative Education at Humboldt University, Berlin, where he headed the Comparative Education Centre from 1991 to 2010. A former President of the Comparative Education Society in Europe, he has repeatedly been invited as a Visiting Professor to universities in Paris (Paris V-René Descartes), Stockholm (Stockholm University), Tokyo (Waseda University, Hitotsubashi University), Mexico-City (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), and Buenos Aires (Universidad de San Andrés). Since 1995, has continuously been a member and co-coordinator of major research networks on cross-cultural studies in history and the social sciences established at Humboldt University under grants by the German Research Agency (DFG).
Schriewer`s particular research interests include the comparative social history of education; world society theories and context-specific structural elaboration processes; as well as the history and methodology of comparative enquiry in education and the social sciences. In consideration of his research work Schriewer was given the Japanese Research Award conferred by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science as well as the Xth Swedish Research Award conferred by the Tercentenary Foundation of the Bank of Sweden.
Dr. Bernhard Streitwieser
is an International Research Associate from Northwestern University who was a guest professor in the department from 2010-2013 and its acting chair in 2012-2013. His research and teaching focuses on the internationalization of higher education, comparative education, and study abroad/student mobility. In Berlin Streitwieser led an international study on the EC’s Erasmus Mobility Programme with grants from the Fulbright Commission and the German Academic Exchange Service/DAAD. His most recent publications include a special guest edited issue on comparative education scholarship for the journal Research in International and Comparative Education and an edited book on Internationalization and global mobility for Oxford Studies in Comparative Education (Symposium). Streitwieser’s other publications have appeared in books with Routledge, Teachers College Press, Symposium Press and the Schneider Verlag and in the journals, Educational Research & Evaluation, American Journal of Evaluation, Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, European Education, and Journal of Innovative Higher Education, among others.