Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - Primary Mathematics Education

Dr. Malte Lehmann

Dr. Malte Lehmann

Contact Information


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften

Primary Mathematics Education
Friedrichstraße 194-199
Room 213


(Mailing address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin)

Phone number: 030/2093-66840



Research Interests:

  • Mathematical Problem solving

  • Teacher students’ mathematical pedagogical content knowledge


Research Activities:

  • MaTe - Math-related knowledge of preservice primary school teachers


Selected Publications:

Lehmann, M., & Roesken-Winter, B. (2014). Mathematical education of future engineers: exploring problem solving skills. In P. Liljedahl, C. Nicol, S. Oesterle & D. Allan (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 6, p.149. Vancouver, Canada: PME.

Griese, B., Lehmann, M., & Roesken-Winter, B. (2014). Exploring university students’ learning strategies in mathematics: Refining the LIST questionnaire. In P. Liljedahl, C. Nicol, S. Oesterle & D. Allan (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 6, p.313. Vancouver, Canada: PME.

Lehmann, M., Roesken-Winter, B., & Schueler, S. (2015). Use of Mathematics in Engineering Contexts: An Empirical Study on Problem Solving Competencies. In K. Krainer & N. Vondrová (Eds.), Proceedings of CERME 9, (pp. 2173–2179). Prag, Tschechische Republik: ERME.

Griese, B., Lehmann, M., & Roesken-Winter, B. (2015). Aspects obstructing or facilitating examiniation success for first year engineering students. In K. Krainer & N. Vondrová (Eds.), Proceedings of CERME 9, (pp. 2281–2282). Prag, Tschechische Republik: ERME.

*Griese, B., Lehmann, M., & Roesken-Winter, B. (2015). Refining questionnaire-based assessment of STEM students’ learning strategies. International Journal of STEM Education, 2(12).

*Neumann, I., Roesken-Winter, B., Lehmann, M., Duchhardt, C., Heinze, A., & Nickolaus, R. (2015). Measuring mathematical competences of engineering students at the beginning of their studies. Peabody Journal of Education, 90(4), 465–476.