Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - Chair Instructional Research

Patricia Klein

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Foto Patricia Klein

Research Assistant

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7, R. 319
10117 Berlin
Tel. 030/2093-4103




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Curriculum Vitae

Professional Practice

10/2010–present Research Associate for the project TEDS-FU (Teacher Education and Development Study/ Follow Up)
03/2010-10/2010 Research Associate for the Chair in Systematic Didactics and Research of Instruction at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
10/2008-04/2010 Conceptualization and Implementation of “Berliner Bildungsprogramm“ for Kinderladen Rosenthaler Vorstadt e.V.
03/2003-12/2006 Student assistant for the model project "1000 x 1000: Notebooks in the Satchel" in Lower Saxony


2001- 2009 Student of Educational Science, Sociology and Political Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Main Topics:
  • Empirical Research in Education
  • Sociology of Work
  • Social Policy

Degree: Magistra Artium

Master submission: “Evidence-based Science in Educational Science”

Project Collaborations


SoSe 2011: Pädagogisches Handeln und Lernorte – Seminar zur Nachbereitung des Berufsfelderschließenden Praktikums
SoSe 2010: Pädagogisches Handeln und Lernorte – Seminar zur Vorbereitung auf das Berufsfelderschließende Praktikum


Philosophische Fakultät IV der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Chair Instructional Research