Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - Department of Education Studies

From Abroad - Incomings


Welcome to Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin!



You are interested in studying at the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin in the context of the ERASMUS+ programme? Then please contact the ERASMUS coordinator of your home university. A stay within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme is not possible without a nomination of your university of origin. After you have done that, please follow the instructions of the International Office of the Humboldt-Universitaet on how to apply.


The deadlines for online applications are:

1 April until 31 May for the winter semester (October-March)

1 October until 30 November for the summer semester (April-June)


Preparing your stay

While preparing your ERASMUS exchange, please check the course catalogue of the HU and inform yourself about the courses provided. Then confer with the ERASMUS coordinator of your university and prepare a learning agreement (the course catalogue of the department of education can be found under the designation „Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät“)

Please note: The current course catalogue of the department will usually be published in July for the winter semester and in February for the summer semester. In general, you can attend all courses offered by the department of education or as “Überfachlicher Wahlpflichtbereich” without difficulty. Should you wish to attend courses of another department of the HU, you must either prepare a separate learning agreement which has to be signed by the ERASMUS office of the other department or you may ask the lecturer of the course for a letter of agreement, which you must add to the learning agreement. We cannot sign the learning agreement without the signatures or the letters of agreement.

The ECTS correspond to the study points (LP) for the particular course.

The lecture periods at the HU are:

Winter semester:     mid-October until mid/end of February
Summer semester:    mid-April until mid/end of July

Further information on preparing your stay can be found here.

At the beginning of your stay

At the beginning of your stay (and before the lecture period starts), please visit the ERASMUS office during the consultation hours and hand in the following documents:


  • The completed Learning Agreement
  • A copy of your confirmation of enrolment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung)
  • The Confirmation of Registration (if asked for by your university of origin)

How to register for courses

You can register online for most courses, but you will not always receive an online confirmation about the admission to or exclusion from a course. In some courses with parallel groups it may be necessary to switch to another group. Therefore please ask the lecturer in the first session whether you may participate in her/his class if you are unsure. Should you have any problems, please contact the ERASMUS office of the department.  

Changing the learning agreement

Should it be necessary to change the learning agreement, please bring all forms and information needed to the ERASMUS office until two weeks after the lecture period has started.

Please note: Should you have to return to your home university before the end of the lectures of the winter semester (usually mid-February), please ask your professor when your examination may take place or whether taking a substitute test in advance is possible, in the beginning of the lecture period. If it is not possible, you may have to choose a different course.



It is not possible for Erasmus students to register online for exams. If you wish to participate in an exam, please talk to your teacher.

The end of your stay

At the end of your stay, please submit a completed performance record (“Leistungsnachweis”) or proof of participation ("Teilnahmenachweis") to all teachers. Should you not be able to collect the signed and stamped forms and bring them to the ERASMUS office yourself, please ask your teachers to forward the signed and stamped documents to us:

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 7
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften
ERASMUS-Büro/ Frau Vekris

- Hauspost -

We will write your transcript of records and send it to your home address as soon as we have received all signed and stamped documents necessary according to your learning agreement.

Please do not forget to have your confirmation of stay signed before you leave (in case needed by your university of origin). Relevant for this confirmation is the last day of the lecture period or your last exam day (excluding term papers and reexaminations).