Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - Higher Education Research


2021 - today: Research assistant for Julian Hamann in the project "Wie ent­ste­hen wett­be­werbs­fä­hi­ge Ak­teu­re? So­zia­li­sa­ti­ons­pro­zes­se in der Post-doc-Pha­se" in the research group Higher Education Research at Humboldt-University Berlin

2018 - 2021: Master studies in sociology at the University Bielefeld

2016 - 2021: Internship with subsequent positions as a student assistant for Dr. Lisa Suckert and Prof. Dr. Jens Beckert at the Max Planck Institute for Social Sciences (MPIfG) in Cologne on the subject of "imagined futures"

2020 - 2021: Student assistant for Prof. Dr. Veronika Tacke at the chair of organizational sociology at Bielefeld University on the origins of organizational theory at Harvard University in the 1930s

2017 - 2018: Student assistant for Prof. Dr. Werner Vogd at the chair of sociology at the Witten/Herdecke University

2013 - 2018: Bachelorstudium in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) at Witten/Herdecke University