Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Science - History of Education


Research profile


To a certain extent, my academic way to the History of Education took a detour. During my master studies, I initially focussed on political, socio-economical and cultural processes of change from historical and contemporary perspectives. Within this general context, specific research interests have evolved with regards to systems of authority, the field of international relations (especially the co-operation in development politics) as well as a special interest in the analysis of social-democratic and welfare-state models in historical and regional (with a focus on developments on the Latin-American subcontinent) comparative perspective.

What interests me here are - besides questions of a social compatible and ecologically sustainable path of development - the political and socio-economical conditions and mechanisms of negotiation of the development and consolidation of social-democratic models and welfare-state mechanisms, generally speaking, the forms of development of a "social pact".

Within this research focus, questions of educational policy are of a special analytical attractiveness and relevance for me because they can provide hints towards social beliefs of norms or the respective concepts of the citizen. Furthermore, educational problems and the institutions of school and teaching play a central role concerning a future centered path of development that is variably accentuated depending on the respective perspective.

The exploration of these central institutions and the analysis of their development as well as their especially when concerning emancipatory aspects different laws of motion and their associated world of experience, processes of negotiation or discourses of legitimation, promise manifold patterns of explanation for social development processes in the near future.

In this context and regarding the investigation of my actual thesis, I'm especially interested in analysing the ideological configuration of the emerging system of mass schooling in 19th century liberalism.


Topical focus


  • International relations and development in political co-operation
  • Colonialism, especially with regards to the Spanish colonial system
  • Political systems and developments of Latin America
  • Social-democratic models and welfare-state regimes in comparison
  • History of Spain, development of the Spanish elementary school and the corresponding organisation of teaching in the 19th century
  • Ideological structuring of schooling, especially regarding the emergence and establishment of mass schooling in the liberal regime of the 19th century

Current projects


  • Collaboration within the DFG-research project "development and controlling of 'mixed' teaching organisational norms in transfer comparison (Spain, Ireland, India, around 1840-1900)" (together with Judith Kutter and Maria Moritz under supervision of Prof. Dr. Marcelo Caruso).
  • Dissertation project: ideological and philosophical structuring of schooling and instruction in Spain (2nd half of the 19th century)