Forschungsseminar Winter 2019/20
Gülnihal Duman |
HU Berlin [24.10.2019] „Die Bildungsaspiration türkischstämmiger Familien in Deutschland" |
Miri Yemini |
Tel Aviv University, Universitiy College of London [31.10.2019] “Re and de-contextualising Global Citizenship Education – systematic analysis of the scholarship in the field” |
Sigrid Hartong* & Rita Nikolai** |
* Helmut Schmidt Universität Hamburg, **HU Berlin [07.11.2019] “Transformations of Education Policy and Governance in the Digital Era: Cross-Country Reflections” |
Annett Graefe-Geusch |
New York University [14.11.2019] “Teaching for Peace and Integration: Teachers' Interpretations and Framings of Diversity in Berlin's Ethics Teaching” |
Lektüresitzung |
[21.11.2019] Keita Takayama, Arathi Sriprakash, and Raewyn Connell, "Toward a Postcolonial Comparative and International Education", Comparative Education Review 61, no. S1 (May 2017 Supplement): S1-S24. |
Tesfaye Kukem Semela |
Hawassa University, Äthiopien [28.11.2019] ''East Germany in the Horn of Africa: Some Reflections on GDR's Educational Intervention in Ethiopia.'' |
Lektüresitzung |
[05.12.2019] Edward Vickers (2019): Critiquing coloniality, ‘epistemic violence’ and western hegemony in comparative education – the dangers of ahistoricism and positionality, Comparative Education, DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2019.1665268 Silova, I., Millei, Z., & Piattoeva, N. (2017). Interrupting the coloniality of knowledge production in Comparative Education: Postsocialist and postcolonial dialogues after the Cold War. Comparative Education Review, 61(S1), S74-S102. |
Anne Piezunka |
WZB [12.12.2019] "Who has the expertise? Decision-Making of school inspectors" |
Manuel Huonker |
HU Berlin [19.12.2019] „Institutionen, Mythen, Ideale, Tabus - Rationalisierung & Projektion in der Weltkulturtheorie und Psychoanalyse" |
Sitzung nur für Studierende |
[09.01.2020] |
Florian Waldow |
HU Berlin [16.01.2020] wird noch bekannt gegeben |
Haiqin Ning |
HU Berlin [23.01.2020] „Mediendiskurs zu PISA und Referenzgesellschaften am Beispiel der Schulreform-Debatte: ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und China aus der Perspektive des ‚Policy borrowing and lending‘“ |
Nadine Bernhard |
HU Berlin [30.01.2020] „Permeability as a Multi-dimensional Governance Task: Linking Vocational and Academic Worlds of Learning in the Knowledge Economy“ |
Jakob ErichsenHU Berlin 06.02.2020 „Die Digitalisierung als massenmedial vermittelte Zukunftserwartung“ |
Franziska PrimusÖrebro University „Gender in multilateral education policy discourses on future expectations” |