Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Inklusion - Bildung - Schule


Anne Piezunka

Anne Piezunka

Master of Arts „Sociology – European Societies“

Contact: anne.piezunka(at)



Development of Evaluation Criteria with Regard to Inclusive Education by the School Inspections


In my research I am interested in the sense-making process of school inspections while developing evaluation criteria. Therefore, I analyze the development process of evaluation criteria by school inspections in Germany.


There are two developments in the educational sector, which are relevant in regard to my research: The implementation of inclusive education and the creation of school inspections in Germany.

1) In 2007, Germany signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Therefore, Germany has to implement an inclusive education system. As there is no shared understanding about inclusive education in Germany (Moser 2012), school inspections have to develop their own understanding of inclusive education.

2) Since 2005/06 school inspections were established to evaluate schools on a regular basis. The evaluation is intended to support school improvement and serves as a monitoring tool for the school administration. School inspections represent normative concepts of what a “good” school is. In this, they use standardized evaluation criteria. When developing evaluation criteria school inspections take into consideration educational policies, such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Research Question

My research seeks to answer the following question: Which factors had an impact on school inspectors’ sense-making process for policy guidelines relating inclusive education? In regard to the state of research: There is almost no research about the development of evaluation criteria used by the school inspections in Germany. The research on school inspections focuses on the procedures and effects of evaluation.

Theoretical Approaches

The sense-making approach (Weick 1985; Spillane & Reiser 2002) allows me to analyze the implementation process of policy guidelines in regard to inclusive education and to focus on the school inspectors’ sense-making process. As there is no research about the development of evaluation criteria of school inspections, there is no information about impact factors.


I am going to conduct expert interviews with representatives of the school inspections (April/May 2016). The questionnaire focuses on the “existing knowledge and experience” of the sensemakers and the “social context” of school inspections (Spillane & Reiser 2002). Using qualitative content analysis (Gläser & Laudel 2006) allows me to analyze the interviews.


Moser, V., Akhoondi, A., Bengel, A., Gasterstädt, J., Görtler, S., Nesyba, T., Piezunka, A., Schrumpf, F., Tegge, D., Wawzyniak , A. & Wiebigke, J. (2016). Graduiertenkolleg „Inklusion-Bildung-Schule: Analysen von Schulstrukturentwicklungen“ an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In A. Hinz, T. Kinne, R. Kruschel & S. Winter (Hrsg.), Von der Zukunft her denken. Inklusive Pädagogik im Diskurs (S. 140-152). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Piezunka, A., Gresch, C., Sälzer, C., & Kroth, A. (2016). Identifizierung von Schülerinnen und Schülern nach Vorgaben der UN-BRK in bundesweiten Erhebungen: Sonderpädagogischer Förderbedarf, sonderpädagogische Förderung oder besondere Unterstützung? Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, (62), 190–211. [7.12.2015].

Piezunka, A. (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Hrsg.) (2015). Das bunte Klassenzimmer – welches Handwerkszeug brauchen Lehrkräfte im Umgang mit Heterogenität? URL - Zugriff am 06.06.2016.