Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Mathematik in der Primarstufe

Prof. Bettina Rösken-Winter - Ausgewählte Publikationen

  • Rösken-Winter, B., Stahnke, R., Prediger, S. & Gasteiger, H. (2021, online first). Towards a research base for implementation strategies addressing mathematics teachers and facilitators. ZDM – Mathematics Education, 53(5). (Open Access).
  • Prediger, S., Rösken-Winter, B., Stahnke, R., & Pöhler, B. (2021, online first). Conceptualizing content-related PD facilitator expertise. Journal for Mathematics Teacher Education. (Open Access).
  • Prediger, S., Roesken-Winter, B. & Leuders, T. (2019). Which research can support PD facilitators? Research strategies in the Three-Tetrahedron Model for content-related PD research. Journal for Mathematics Teacher Education, 22(4), 407-425. (Open Access).
  • Nührenbörger, M., Rösken-Winter, B., Link, M., Prediger, S. & Steinweg, A. S. (2019). Design science and design research: the significance of a subject-specific research approach. In H. N. Jahnke & L. Hefendehl-Hebeker (Hrsg.), Traditions in German-speaking mathematics education research (S. 61-89). Cham: Springer. (Open Access).
  • Schüler, S. & Rösken-Winter, B. (2018). Compiling video cases to support PD facilitators in noticing productive teacher learning. International Journal of STEM Education, 5.
  • Rösken-Winter, B., Hußmann, S. & Prediger, S. (2018). Fortbilden lernen – ein mathematikdidaktisches Qualifizierungskonzept für Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren. In R. Biehler, T. Lange, T. Leuders, B. Rösken-Winter, P. Scherer & C. Selter (Hrsg.), Mathematikfortbildungen professionalisieren: Konzepte, Beispiele und Erfahrungen des Deutschen Zentrums für Lehrerbildung Mathematik (S. 207-224). Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum.
  • Prediger S., Leuders, T. & Rösken-Winter, B. (2017). Drei-Tetraeder-Modell der gegenstandsbezogenen Professionalisierungsforschung: Fachspezifische Verknüpfung von Design und Forschung. Jahrbuch für Allgemeine Didaktik, 2017, 159-177.
  • Riecke-Baulecke, T., Abshagen, M. & Rösken-Winter, B. (2017). Kollegiale Unter- richtsentwicklung. In M. Abshagen, B. Barzel, J. Kramer, T. Riecke-Baulecke, B. Rösken- Winter & C. Selter, Basiswissen Lehrerbildung: Mathematik unterrichten mit Beiträgen aus dem Primar- und Sekundarstufenbereich (S. 216-231). Seelze: Klett, Kallmeyer. 

  • Akinwunmi, K., Lensing, F., Nührenbörrger, M., Rösken-Winter, B. & Schacht, F. (2016). In M. Nührenbörger et al. (2015), Design science and its importance in the German mathematics educational discussion (S. 1–10). Berlin: Springer. 

  • Rösken-Winter, B. & Szczesny, M. (2016). Continuous professional development (CPD): paying attention to requirements and conditions of innovations. In S. Doff & R. Komoss (Hrsg.), Making change happen: Wandel im Fachunterricht analysieren und gestalten (S. 129–140). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachbuch. 

  • Stahnke, R., Schüler, S. & Rösken-Winter, B. (2016). Teachers’ perception, interpretation, and decision-making: a systematic review of empirical mathematics education research. ZDM Mathematics Education, 48(1), 1–27. doi:10.1007/s11858-016-0775-y 

  • Neumann, I., Rösken-Winter, B., Lehmann, M., Duchhardt, C., Heinze, A. & Nickolaus, R. (2015). Measuring mathematical competences of engineering students at the beginning of their studies. Peabody Journal of Education, 90(4), 465–476. doi:10.1080/0161956X.2015.1068054 

  • Griese, B., Lehmann, M. & Rösken-Winter, B. (2015). Refining questionnaire-based assessment of STEM students’ learning strategies. International Journal of STEM Education, 2(12), 1–12. doi:10.1186/s40594-015-0025-9 

  • Rösken-Winter, B., Hoyles, C. & Blömeke, S. (2015). Evidence-based CPD: Scaling up sustainable interventions. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(1), 1–12. doi:10.1007/s11858- 015-0682-7. 

  • Rösken-Winter, B., Schüller, S., Stahnke, R. & Blömeke, S. (2015). Effective CPD on a large scale: examining the development of multipliers. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(1), 13–25. doi:10.1007/s11858-014-0644-5. 

  • Weißenrieder, J., Rösken-Winter, B., Schüler, S., Binner, E. & Blömeke, S. (2015). Scaling CPD through professional learning communities: development of teachers’ self-efficacy in relation to collaboration. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(1), 27–38. doi:0.1007/s11858- 015-0673-8. 

  • Rolka, K. & Rösken-Winter, B. (2015). Networking theories to understand beliefs and their crucial role in mathematics education. In B. Pepin & B. Rösken-Winter, From beliefs to dynamic affect systems. Exploring a mosaic of relationships and interactions (S. 73–94). Berlin: Springer. 

  • Rösken, B., Hannula, M. S. & Pehkonen, E. (2011). Dimensions of students’ views of themselves as learners of mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education, 43(4), 497–506. 

  • Törner, G., Rolka, K., Rösken, B. & Sriraman, B. (2010). Understanding a teacher’s actions in the classroom by applying Schoenfeld’s theory Teaching-In-Context: Reflecting on goals and beliefs. In B. Sriraman & L. English, Theories of mathematics education: Seeking new frontiers (S. 401–420). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer. 

  • Goldin, G., Rösken, B. & Törner, G. (2009). Beliefs - no longer a hidden variable in mathematical teaching and learning processes. In J. Maaß & W. Schlöglmann (Hrsg.), Beliefs and attitudes in mathematics education: New research results (S. 9–28). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Liljedahl, P., Rolka, K., & Rösken, B. (2007). Affecting affect: The reeducation of preser- vice teachers’ beliefs about mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning. In W. G. Martin, M. E. Strutchens & P. C. Elliott (Eds.), The Learning of Mathematics. Sixty-ninth Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (S. 319–330). Reston, VA: NCTM.